One-2-One Myanmar

Medical & Dental Services

One-2-One Myanmar Medical and Dental team, working with Christian Health Care Fellowship, delivers medical and dental care to underserved communities in various parts of Myanmar. The team provides health education, preventative as well as emergency health care, with many vulnerable patients being cared for.

Feeding Program

In Myanmar, 25.6% of the population lives below the national poverty line. In 2015, 40 out of every 1000 babies born in Myanmar dies before their first birthday.  With the support from our donors, the “Feeding Program” was established to provide healthy nutritious food to slum children, helping parents/carers caring for them. There are 100 children able to have a healthy meal from Monday to Friday.  Because of this program, children are able to receive better nutrition and attend school . The smiles on the children’s face says it all.

Prison Ministry

One-2-One Myanmar extends care to prisoners who becomes sick and stay at hospital in their last stage of life. Often alone, their situation can be very dire. One-2-One Myanmar volunteer make weekly visits to them, encouraging and caring for them. Currently 101 prisoners are under our care.

Community Development

Local communities suffer serve hardships due to natural disasters such as flooding, which occur in Myanmar on regular basis, One-2-One Myanmar, under the leadership of Saw Chit Ko, has worked hard with the local stakeholders to develop local committees to help them rebuild their own communities. The Village Chief and villagers come together to take action and generate their own solutions e.g repair old roads, build new road, provide boat to transport villagers to hospital, supplying seeds for their agriculture work and health care support as needed.

Cancer Children Support

Nurse Jenny Thi is the One-2-One volunteer leader who look after this project, she makes weekly visits to extend care, comfort and hope to hospitalized cancer children and their families. In recognition of the incredible work done, she received Children Patient Care Award from Myanmar government in 2017. Services are as below:

  • Play therapy
  • Story reading
  • Music therapy
  • Provision of toys, story book tracts, Coloring pencils – sharpener& basic necessities.
  • Provide essential food.
  • Granting of last wishes where appropriate.
  • Health education & demonstration with participation of the patients and motherszz
              a. Personal hygiene      b.  Oral health education  c. Nutrition 

Sponsoring Blind Children for School

One-2-One CAMBODIA is dedicated to providing education for all, including blind children. Our program sponsors 12 blind children, offering them specialized support, learning materials, and a nurturing environment to excel academically. Join us in empowering these children and shaping a brighter future.

Monthly Health Care for the Elderly

One-2-One CAMBODIA is committed to the well-being of our elderly community members. Our Monthly Health Care program provides essential medical services, health check-ups, and support to ensure they live healthy, dignified lives. Join us in caring for those who have paved the way for us.

Celebrating Birthdays for the Elderly

Birthday Celebration program brings joy and recognition to their special days, fostering a sense of belonging and appreciation.