Medical Program

– Medical, Nursing and Maternal Health Clinics in Phnom Penh Slums, in partnership with Camkids and individual sponsors for some families


The Canalside Clinic opened in 2010 and services the villages of Thnoat Chrum and Sambok Cham in the Mean Chey District of Phnom Penh. Over 100 families of rubbish pickers, construction workers, and garment factory workers are helped. Cambodian and International volunteers carry out medicine, midwifery, pharmacy, and nursing care as well as oral health education and promotion.

 Ptesh Leu Teak

Also serviced by One-2-One is the Ptesh Leu Teak (House Above Water) slum. The community is built above water and is inter-connected by unstable wooden planks. Homes are constructed of corrugated iron and lack electricity and hygiene facilities. Infectious diseases spread rapidly and are

dangerous to children. Children and adults are taught basic health and oral hygiene and given toothbrushes, and are provided with weekly medical and nursing clinics.

Maternal program

This program is offered in the medical clinics in each slum area, and we work closely with the local Community Health Centre (CHC). Services to pregnant women include: provision of multivitamin and iron medication, tetanus vaccination, health care, education in birth control, post-partum care and breast feeding support. We also provide them with transportation to enable them to have access to specialized help.

 Nursing Clinic

One-2-One offers Nursing services in each slum clinic. Deeply appreciated by the communities, each clinic is well attended by children and adults. Our nurses work closely with the local Community Health Centers to provide tetanus vaccines, to monitor and treat wounds, and to educate in basic wound care and injury prevention.